Flintlock pistol
George Washington's correspondence includes dozens of references to purchasing pistols and to receiving them as gifts from friends. His executors recorded four pairs of pistols and seven guns in his Study after his death. This pair of flintlock holster or traveling pistols survived in good condition until the mid-19th century, when family history maintains a curious servant fired one.
One of a pair, W-480/A-B.
Published ReferencesJames C. Rees, Treasures from Mount Vernon: George Washington Revealed (Mount Vernon, VA: MVLA, 1999), 43 (ill.).
Mount Vernon Ladies Association, General Washington's Military Equipment (Mount Vernon, VA: MVLA, 1963), 37-8, fig. 30.
Mount Vernon Ladies Association, General Washington's Swords and Campaign Equipment (Mount Vernon, VA: MVLA, 1944): 30-1, pl. VII.
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